Baby Born With Two Heads

Girl born with two heads, the Chinese doctors say can not be separated.

Suining two heads, Southwest China's Sichuan Province, a baby boy was 25 Qiaoying.

Baby with two heads looking at is very rare in China, Suining Central Hospital doctors said the first case was

Guangdong migrant workers was pregnant when we lived First examine the baby to be normal.

Her husband, Leo Guojun Suining she came back home and prepare for the birth of their first child together.

In addition, after a second inspection to provide a normal baby, but last week, three scans, the doctor told her, "baby two heads, one body."

Husband, and my baby for further inspection, and color Doppler imaging visa to go to the hospital immediately have two heads but one body, "says" Uncle.

Reluctantly, the two men decided to abort the fetus, however, has been on the job soon after arriving in Suining Central Hospital finish.

Recommended to give birth to a baby that mothers and abortion in the workplace, it would be too dangerous to continue, "Dr. Zhang Libin said.

Physicians deliver babies by Caesarean section. The test also showed sonyeoyi spikes one and a half hearts, while others share.

"We performed the separation surgery on the baby can not be, they must live with," Dr. Chang said.


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